Notice sticker "Beware, cleanroom product"
Hinweis-Aufkleber „Beware, Cleanroom Product“ Zur Kennzeichnung von Produkten mit Reinraumverpackung die danach nur in Reinräumen geöffnet werden dürfen.
Hinweis-Aufkleber „Beware, Cleanroom Product“ Zur Kennzeichnung von Produkten mit Reinraumverpackung die danach nur in Reinräumen geöffnet werden dürfen.
Cleanroom biros with fastening clip Material: IPA compatible, chemical resistant PU: 12 pieces
Cleanroom biros with fastening clip Material: IPA compatible, chemical resistant PU: 10 pieces
Cleanroom marker sterile permanent ink Length: 140 mm waterproof, quick drying PU: 10 pieces
Cleanroom Memo Pad Staclean Size: A6 light blue PU: 20 pads (50 sheets each)
Cleanroom notebooks Steclean for cleanrooms ISO6 Sizes: DIN A4, DIN B5 ruled or squared PU: 10 notebooks (32 sheets/booklet)
Cleanroom notebook Staclean lined, light blue Size: 80 x 160 mm PU: 10 notebooks (20 sheets each)
Cleanroom Memo Pad Clean Tac light blue, ISO6 Size: 72 x 105 mm PU: 30 pieces (50 sheets each)
Cleanroom ring binder collegeblock tear-resistant, easy to write on, cover made of polyethylene, spiral made of plastic Paper weight: 72 g/m², 1 pad = 50 sheets PU: 5 pads
Cleanroom writing pad Staclean A4, lined, ISO6 PU: 10 pads (30 sheets each)
Cleanroom paper Staclean 72 g/m² & 100 g/m² 100% soluble, dust-free, recyclable, suitable for writing and printing also available in other colours on request: green, orange, pink, violet
Cleanroom paper Staclean conductive Weight: 72 g/m² electrical conductivity: 10hoch6Ω, copyable, recyclable, water-soluble
© Hans J. Michael GmbH 2023